Cause: According to Ayurvedic Science, cholera is due to disorder of the three temperamental factors: air, bile, and phlegm. According to modern medical science, it is due to a bacillus. In Ayurveda this disease has another name, bisuchika. From the descriptions given we can understand there is little difference between bisuchika and cholera. In the former the disease lasts longer but proves less fatal. Susruta said, “When the stomach is troubled with air and griping pain due to indigestion, the doctor can assume the presence of bisuchika.” Of the symptoms, he has mentioned, ..swooning, retching, thirst, mental errors, cramps, paleness, shivering, headache, heartache.” Needless to say, symptoms vary with place and patient. Doctors have sacrificed Gamel, Hopkins, Macniffe, Cock, etc. have sacrificed their lives to isolate the cholera germ. Doctor Cock established the coma bacillus as the main cause of cholera and published his theory concerning it in 1854. It is seen, however, that cholera germs may enter the body without causing the disease. Food seems to be a main factor in both cause and cure.
Symptoms : Vomiting an odorless liquid substance like the water of rotten gourd or like rice froth, thirst, burning in the stomach, restlessness, breathing troubles, dullness, throbbing heart, cramps, hoarseness, pale face, blueness of limbs and lips and most of the body, contraction of skin, sticky and cold perspiration, gradually decreasing temperature, ice-cold body, delirium.
Treatment : Find out the root cause of the disease. If it is due to indigestion or diarrhea, treat for those ailments. Examine the stools and vomit. If there are ill-smelling particles and undigested food, give Bhaskar Lavan with hot water as an appetizer, and Mahasankha Bati with camphor water. By these applications the disease will decline in its severity. Don’t use medicines that stop purging and vomiting lest the undigested food inside cause flatulence. When there are no more particles of food in the stools and vomit, other drugs are to be given. To stop the bowel motions at that time, use Karpurarista after each motion. To check the vomiting, use Chandrakanti Ras or Pippaladya Lauha, with ground cucumber seeds and honey after each vomiting. If symptoms of other ailments appear, treat for those ailments. Then the pulse may become normal and the patient quickly recover. Hiccough often appears; for it use Pippaladya with ground cucumber seeds and honey. Where there is much thirst, give cold water with camphor. Camphor allays the thirst and creates appetite. Clove-water (boiled ) may Where there is retching, diarrhea, also be given. vomiting, hiccough, etc., you may give Kolerantak Jog. It is best given in the first stages of attack. One or two applications will stop the diarrhea and restore digestion. All kinds of stomach disorders, dysentery, etc. cured by it. This medicine should be on every family’s medicine shelf. At the first sign of diarrhea, one pill with cold water will do the trick. If there is flatulence with consequent phlegm in the lungs and rapid breathing, give Swaschintamani or Brihat Kafaketu with ginger juice and honey. If the temperature falls very low, give Basantatilak or Brihat Kasturibhairab with juice of betel leaves and honey. If the patient is weak after bad diarrhea and vomiting, etc. and if there is no further retching and flatulence, Basantatilak is excellent.
Diet: Only boiled cold water. If the urine is clear and stools become a little thick and well-colored, slowly introduce light arrowroot water with lemon and salt, light barley water, sago, and if his condition allows it, milk and sago. If these foods are digested, give rice gruel and boiled rice (old stock ). Be careful and cautious. Many a cholera patient has died from a premature feeding of light barley water. No heavy food or dishes containing oil or ghee should be given him for a long time even after his recovery.