Cause: Excessive blood and bile.
Symptoms: Spurting of blood through nose, eyes ears, mouth, penis, vagina, and rectum at any moment. If the spurting occurs in the upper part of the body, it is called ascending hematemesis; if in the lower, it is called descending hematemesis. Many other ailments may be seen, and these are to be treated first. When the other ailments have diminished in a chronic patient, rub Hriberadya Taila on the body.
Treatment : Eladi Gurika, Basakusmanda Khanda, Brihat Basabaleha, Rakta Pittantak Ras, Rakta Pittantak Lauha are good medicines.
Diet: Same as for simple fever when he has fever; give fish (kai, khalisha, magur, etc.), milk (either cow or goat), and vegetables (patal, pumpkin, top portion of rattan plant, old gourd, etc.). For light foods give sweets made of gourd, raisins (large and small), powder of parched rice, milk and parched rice. Allow enough milk, and in his weakness allow some meat soup. Permit him to bathe in cold water if he has no temperature. He may massage before bath.