Cause: Severe gas. Doctors say this is a spasm of various muscles, particularly on toes and fingers, associated with unhygienic conditions, imperfect ventilation, poor diet, rickets, etc.
Symptoms : Inability to open mouth, stiff neck, pain in throat, locked jaw, stiffening of facial muscles, cramping, and bow-like curving of the body. The face indicates suffering, the eyes become fixed, convulsions occur, and the body curves like a bow. Some patients curve forward and some backward, called antarayam and bahirayam respectively. The patient becomes senseless. Mucus is discharged on coughing. The disease may occur at any age and at any time, but the new-born baby is most prone to it.
Treatment: Mahendrasurjya Ras or Marichadi Snuff should be inhaled. These medicines must be placed on the patient’s nose with all care. After he has returned to his senses, give him Bat Kulantak with the juice of the roots of the castor oil plant, and rocksalt, and Swarnakasturi with honey and the powder of large cardamon, and Chaturbhuj Ras with trifala powder and honey. If after five or seven days of this treatment, the patient seems to be recovering, give him Chaturbhuj Ras and Jogendra Ras with the powdered trifala and honey; and Kubja Prasarani or Trisati Prasarani Taila should be massaged on the whole body. For weak and emaciated patients, Brihat Chhagaladya Ghrita is to be taken daily. Medicines and massages should be continued even after disease is no longer noticeable to prevent relapse. Again, Santi Bati is a good medicine here.
Diet: Liquid foods like milk and sago and milk and barley gruel; after recovery give a light and nutritious diet.