Nocturnal Emission:
Causes: Masturbation, excessive sexual intercourse, pornographic reading, sodomy, over-eating or late eating at night, inability to assimilate heavy and rich foods such as milk, ghee, eggs, meat, and spices; lying on the back or stomach or on one side with pillow under thigh. It is best to lie on one side on a hard bed. Sleeping late at night after animated discussion or extended reading may cause light sleep and emission.
Symptoms: Sexual fancies and visions of sexual enjoyment, light sleep, waking after emission, loss of intellect, physical and mental weakness, shyness, in- digestion, heart throbbing, headache, giddiness, etc.
Treatment: Sapnabilas in the morning and evening, and Swalpa Purna Chandra Ras with ground cubeb and honey before bed. In chronic cases give Sukra Sanjiban at 8 a.m. in place of Swalpa Purna Chandra Ras. This medicine must be continued for two months every morning, and when the patient is better, it should be continued one month more both morning and evening. Aswagandharista and Karpur Ras (be- fore sleeping) is also an excellent remedy.
Diet and General Rules: The diet should be light and nutritious and as for sexual debility and spermatorrhea. Milk and meat should not be taken together. Meat, eggs, onions, garlic, mustard, excessive salt, fried things, and mashkalai lentils should be avoided. Mugh, gram, and arahar lentils are desirable. A Hindu widow’s diet is good to follow. For light foods, give soaked grams and mugh lentils, mango, jackfruit, pineapple, oranges, ghee, milk, and curd. Seminal discharges must be checked by avoidance of sex books, sex-thinking and bad company. When you wake in the morning, get up; if you sleep again, the sleep will be light with dreams. The best sleep is the first that you get in the night. Late sleeping at night makes one dull, lazy and subject to nocturnal emissions. Discharge urine before going to bed; otherwise the stored urine in the bladder can cause erection and emission. If you wake at night with an urge to urinate, get up at once and do so. Worms in the stomach and constipation may also cause night emissions of semen. Destroy the worms and clear the bowels. Heal itches, ring-worm infections on and around the penis. Bicycle riding and horseback riding irritate the sex organs; these habits must be avoided for a few days until the disease is conquered.