Puerperal Disease
After the birth of the child the mother also is easily attacked with disease. If there is fever, it is called puerperal fever; diarrhea, puerperal diarrhea, etc. The period of danger varies according to the medical opinion. Some say 18 months; others say until the next menstruation. After childbirth the uterus becomes empty and contracted. If there be any irregular movements on the woman’s part or if she is caught by cold after child- birth, there is every chance of fever, diarrhea, or dropsy, as the uterus tends to fill with water. If the nursing mother has to stay in a cold and stuffy room under unhygienic conditions, she will almost surely contract puerperal disease. Other causes are daytime sleeping, night wakefulness, irregular diet, or previous puerperal disease.
Treatment:- Even if there is no complaint, the nursing mother should take Kasturi Ghatita Dasamularista daily in the morning. This will prevent trouble. This medicine or Mritasanjibani can remove body pain, headache, and post-delivery malaise. In puerperal fever use Saribadi Bati and Sarbajwara Bati. If the fever is with headache, use Mahalakshmibilas. In puerperal indigestion or loss of appetite, prescribe Brihat Agnikmar Ras; in diarrhea, Brihat Jirakadi Modak. Even though she may not seem to have lost appetite, it is a good idea to give her Jirakadyarista after each meal. Dropsy is one of the most dangerous diseases and should be treated with Sonitamrita and Punarnabasab. For bad taste give Amlaki Rasayan. Chandanadi Churna or Talisadi Churna should be given for a cold. For excessive loss of blood give Chandramrita Lauha or Pusyanug Churna. If the limbs burn, give Brihat Guruchyadi Lauha. If the stomach heaves, and there is flatulence, give Bhaskar Lavan. Use of Brihat Sutikadasamul Taila gives wonderful results in vertigo, headache, heated brain, and stomach gas. For chronic patients give Sutikadasamul Taila or Brihat Sutikadasamul Taila on the head and body.
Diet:- Sago, barley, or parched rice, gruel with sugar candy if there is fever. A small quantity of raisins, pomegranate, or water-chestnut may also be given. If there is constipation or bad diarrhea after delivery, sago. Otherwise wheat bread for two or three days after delivery, and then rice if the health is good, is a regime to follow. Musuri or mugh lentils, curry of banana flowers, radish, trichosanthes dioica, gourd, eggplant, aram, green banana, maringa stick, papia, cauliflower, etc. are good. Memordiva charantia, karala, other bitter foods, fish soups (magur, kai, khalisha, shingi, pabda ) are also good. For bad taste, aged, sun-dried mango juice; dry, sliced mangoes; and tamarind with ground raisins are excellent. These sour things bring back the taste. Ask the patient to take milk and barley, or milk and sago, for five to seven nights after delivery as a supper.