Treatment of Enlargement Of Liver or Fatty Liver or Spleen and Liver Fevers In Ayurved

Enlargement Of Liver, Fatty Liver, Spleen And Liver Fevers:


Cause : Enlargement and inflammation of liver and spleen due to phlegmatic and biliary diet in fever, malaria, living in a malarial place, blood pressure, alcoholic liquors, piles, and menstrual disorders. The spleen is located to the left of the stomach, and the liver to the right. When they are normal, they cannot be easily felt by fingers. When enlarged, they are easy to feel. The enlargements are called respectively splenitis and hepatitis.


Symptoms: Slow fever with daily rising of temperature, shivering with high temperature on alternate days, pain, biting sensation in liver or spleen, constipation, scanty urine or blood-colored urine, coughing, gasping, loss of hunger, physical depression, emaciation, weakness, paleness, thirst, vomitting, gloomy face, bloodless eyes and lips and finger nails, hazy gaze, fainting fits, pain in the loins, burning in the limbs, etc. In the worst types of this disease blood spurts out from nose and gums, and there is hematemesis, diarrhea, piorrhea, dropsy, anemia, and deathly pallor.


Treatment: For enlargement of spleen or liver with fever use Sarbajwara Bati, Sadhana Pachan, Brihajjwar Churamani Ras, Brihajjwar Chintamani, or Brihat Sarbajwarhara Lauha (Sattar Bhabna ), and Abhaya Lavan with hot water in the evening. Where there is diarrhea with fever, use Mahasankhadrabak instead of Abhaya Lavan. Where there is little or no fever, Rohitakarista and Abhaya Lavan should be given. The former medicine is a specific for liver and spleen. Pay heed to the bowel movements; see that they are clear. When not clear, Kosthasuddhi is to be given even though there is no constipation. If there is stomach pain due to the enlargement of liver or spleen, massage the stomach with Brihat Jwarabhairab Taila or Mahakiratadi Taila or Mahalaksmadi Taila and the pain will subside. If there is dropsy, use its marvellous remedy, Punarnabasab. For children, Brihat Gurpippali is recommended. When they have diarrhea in this fever, give Mahasankhadrabak. This medicine works particularly well in splenitis with dysentery and stomach complaints. Specifically for the liver are Jakridari Lauha and Chitrakadi Lauha, which should be accompanied by ginger extract and honey or long pepper powder and honey. If the eyes and face are pale or yellow, the patient should be given Nabayas Lauha with Kalamegh Ras, and honey. If the is strong cough with fever, give Chandramrita Ras or Lakshmibilas Ras along with the aforesaid accompanying medicines. Fever and bad cough can lead to more serious symptoms.


Diet: Same as for simple fever when temperature is high. When temperature is low, allow boiled rice (old stock), fresh fish soup, and in the evening milk and sago or milk and wheat bread with vegetables and wheat bread. Fried and spiced foods are not allowed. When the stomach is not in order, do not give milk. Hard labor, remaining awake at night, and cohabitation are prohibited. Liquor is absolutely forbidden as it can cause cirrhosis of liver.

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