Cause: Poisoned blood due to deficient urination.
Symptoms: At first scanty urine, then complete retention ; vomiting or retching; headache ; and spasms.
Treatment: Tarakeswar Ras, Barunadya Lauha, Kusabaleha, Trikantakadya Ghrita, Saribadi Salsa, Saribadi Bati, etc. 1.875 grains of Makardhwaja, with 1.875 grains of saltpetre, and bel leaf juice is an excellent medicine. For the weak patient prescribe the stimulant Jogendra Ras with trifala juice and honey. For bad headache, give Naradiya Mahalakshmibilas.
Diet: At first milk and sago, milk and barley, or gruel of parched rice; then, upon recovery, fine rice, vegetables cooked with ghee, mugh lentils, etc. Prohibited foods are fish and flesh, salt, ginger, acid foods, foods fried in oil.